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Monday 16 November 2015

Our Local Walk

This week Squirrels went on a walk around our local area.  We looked at different buildings and saw
 old and new houses. 
Hello everyone!!

We saw a squirrel climbing up the tree, it went really high up!!!


We talked about the shapes we can see all around us.

What material is the church made from?

We looked at the changes in Autumn.

Well done Squirrels; you walked so sensibly and safely. We are so proud of you.

Friday 25 September 2015

Welcome to the Squirrels Class!

We are very proud of our little Squirrels who have settled into school so well. They have been very
busy exploring our classroom and making new friends.  Well done everyone!!!

Friday 27 March 2015

Trip to Botanical Gardens

We went to the Botanical Gardens to search for mini beasts. We did activities such as pond dipping and searching for bugs in the woods.